Alcohol licence application Bath Fish And Chip Company Limited

We object to this licence being granted as we believe in its present form it will add to public nuisance and disorder.

These premises are in a very sensitive location at the epicentre of the cumulative impact zone of night-time economy; close to other licensed premises and a taxi rank and on the route from the clubs and pubs in the north of the city to trains, taxis and buses.
We have little objection to a restaurant in this location serving alcohol to customers sitting down and eating substantial meals.

However, given its location and the well established connection between pre-loading and public nuisance as well as the potential for already intoxicated persons getting access to further alcohol bought by members of their group at off sales premises we have considerable concern about a licence which allows off sales or even on-site sales not as part of a substantial meal.

The committee and licensing officers will be well aware of the disorder associated with other fast food takeaway premises in the city centre.

If the Licensing Authority is minded to grant this licence we would ask the conditions be added requiring alcohol only be served as part of a substantial meal.