The council’s street trading policy has a number of goals most of which this application appears to frustrate:
Complements premises-based trading
There are a number of outlets in this area which are providing the food being offered by this applicant on both an eat in and take out basis.
Is sensitive to the needs of residents
We understand several residents and residents organisation have already made the case that an outlet of this nature in this location is likely to have a negative impact on their lives particularly in the light of the early hours of trading and the likely increase in gull activity, smells and crowding.
Provides diversity and consumer choice
It is hard to argue that there is a shortage of outlets of all type and price points providing Bacon rolls/filled baps and hot and cold drinks or that consumers lack choice in this area
Seeks to enhance the character, ambience and safety of local environments
Grand Parade is cited in descriptions of Bath as exhibiting the grandeur of a “processional route”, and is a key part of the World Heritage site. We would argue that the proposed stands are inappropriate on its pavements, detracting from that special ambience, impeding key views of Pulteney Bridge and the river and riverside.
Promotes healthy eating
We assume BANES would not support the suggestion that bacon rolls were a healthy eating choice but it might be worth citing the following:
“The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified processed meat as a carcinogen, something that causes cancer. And it has classified red meat as a probable carcinogen, something that probably causes cancer. IARC is the cancer agency of the World Health Organization.
Processed meat includes hot dogs, ham, bacon, sausage, and some deli meats. It refers to meat that has been treated in some way to preserve or flavour it. Processes include salting, curing, fermenting, and smoking. Red meat includes beef, pork, lamb, and goat.
Twenty-two experts from 10 countries reviewed more than 800 studies to reach their conclusions. They found that eating 50 grams of processed meat every day increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. That’s the equivalent of about 4 strips of bacon or 1 hot dog.”
In addition to the above we would draw attention to some aspects of the BANES policy in relation to this application:
12.4 Street trading hours will normally mirror those of shops in the immediate vicinity
This does not appear to be the case here.