We would appreciate it if action could be taken by officers on two related matters of concern to members in the Cattle Market area in the city centre.

Fly Tipping.  For as long as any of us can remember vacant land adjoining the river wall on the east side of the Waitrose service road has been used by local churches for their evening soup kitchen.  Local residents have always supported this charitable act; the organizers do their best to keep the area clean but local residents venture out on Sunday mornings to clear the area of accumulated litter and rubbish originating not only from the soup kitchen but also the Saturday Market which is held in the adjoining Cattle Market car park.

Lately however, two large crates and other sizable objects have been fly-tipped in this area; these have gradually filled with rubbish and litter and clearing the mess is now beyond the resources of local residents.  It would be appreciated by all of us if a crew from Environmental Services could clear the crates and associated mess from the area along the river wall, which they do not normally visit, so that we can continue with our work.

Illegal Stopping and Waiting.  We have noticed that the above referenced mess has been exacerbated by taxi drivers who have taken to stopping and waiting for indefinite periods on the double yellow lines on the east kerb of the road creating what amounts to an informal taxi rank.  This can happen at any time of the day or night but particularly during the evening hours when six or seven vehicles can sometimes be seen parking here.  The situation is made worse by the fact that they use the adjacent land as a toilet and contribute to the accumulation of rubbish and litter which local residents have to clean up.