The three Resident’s Associations – the Circus Area Residents Association (CARA), the Pulteney Estate Residents Association (PERA) and the city centre association, TARA – between them represent some 1000 city centre residents. They have been working closely together on issues of common interest for some time and have decided to formalise that collaborate by creating this new action group.
Sally Rothwell – Chairman of CARA said: “Over the last eighteen months we have seen how effective we are when we work together, and the new group will enable us to make joint working more effective still”
Ian Perkins, Chairman of TARA said: “Residents in the city centre share concerns about a number of key issues and in particular; the operation of the night time economy, the high levels of air pollution and enforcement.”
Nigel Websper Chairman PERA and Vice Chairman FOBRA said: “We all remain members of FOBRA but FOBRA had a very wide membership and we felt the need to create a structure which could more clearly be seen to represent the views of those who live in the city centre”