Comments on proposals to expand the Pig and Fiddle

The planning authority has made decisions about this area already which need to be considered in relation to this application.
One is planning approval for a large pub opposite this site on the former King Edwards School site the other is approval for residential accommodation adjacent to both.
This latter decision has already created heighten conflict between residents and the operations of the large number of drinking establishments and associated business in this area
The former decision has potentially created a huge addition to the volume of drinking establishments close to George Street an area already the focus of much drink fuelled anti-social behaviour.
The local authority and both political parties have made great play of their intention to create a better balance between residential amenity and the provision, many would say over provision, of vertical drinking venues in the City centre.
As a concrete expression of this BANES adopted the Cumulative Impact Policy.
Residents will find it hard to understand how the huge expansion of an existing drinking establishment in this context fits in with any of these policies and commitments.
If BANES, despite these considerations, is minded to approve this application then we think it is essential that they impose planning conditions that ensure that the applicant is held to their assertions and the implications of their illustrations of this additional space being used as a quite area where people will be sitting and enjoying alcohol in a context where food is a key part of the offer.