Cyclists on Pavements

There is no doubt that cycling in pedestrian areas is a cause of annoyance to residents in the city centre. It is a particular concern when cyclists show a reckless disregard for the safety and opinions of pedestrians and are abusive when their offence is pointed out.

However in considering what should be done we need to recognise that pavement cycling is only one of a range of low grade antisocial behaviours that impact people in the city centre when allowed to escalate..

Inconsiderate cyclists sit alongside:

• inconsiderate smokers and gum chewers
• people who throw food wrappers and dinks containers
• people who urinate and vomit on pavements and in doorways
• fly tippers
• drunks shouting and fighting
• beggars
• people ringing doorbells in the early hours of the morning
• people who park on pavements

Tackling these issues is not straightforward; while the police have an important role to play the nature of these offences means that police alone cannot do the job. Indeed enforcement alone cannot do the job. There is a need for more effective:

• education about the harm caused and the legal penalties
• police monitoring of the levels of offending – these offences are under reported
• action by the police when they do observe offences
• coordination by enforcement agencies
• utilisation of council officials on the street
• engagement of residents as has been done over pavement parking
• vision, strategy and structures for managing the city centre