High Street Works – Public Realm and Movement Programme

We are broadly supportive of the Public Realm and Movement programme’s proposals for the High Street and Orange Grove particularly the proposal to remove coaches from Orange Grove.
The creation of a dedicated ‘continental’ coach bay opposite the Abbey which will, as we understand it, accommodate only one coach will avoid the current situation where two or even three coaches block the exit from the Empire and Guildhall car parks. We will be seeking reassurances about management of noise from the audible indication on the pedestrian crossing.
The extended taxi rank will hopefully relieve the unofficial ‘overflow’ taxi park which stretches from opposite the Parade Gardens right around into Grand Parade and causes obstruction and inconvenience for residents and visitors. Particularly In the evening a longer more integrated taxi rank will be easier for the Taxi Marshals to control allowing the rank to be better managed and more efficient.
The increased Pavement Area outside All bar One is welcome as this is a congested area which often looks dirty, with delivery vehicles, bus passengers, shop keepers and pedestrians all competing for space.
We are however less comfortable with the plans for coach parking in North Parade which already has its challenges with bendy buses and the volume of traffic. There are also particular issues with bus and coach noise and the residential blocks towards the bridge end of the parade which these proposals could exacerbate if coach parking is not better managed than it is in its current location