– The creation of a by-pass
CCTV is an increasingly important part of the effective management of crime and antisocial behaviour and we are working with the council to create a process for reviewing the way the CCTV deployment strategy is managed, developed and financed.
– The need for the region’s broadband delivery infrastructure to be included in the transport strategy
– The need to include the protection of historic buildings in the spatial plan.
– The need to consider community stability in both plans to ensure that unique communities such as that of Bath City Centre are not damaged.
– The need to reflect the importance of tourism to the region.
– Pollution priorities should be revised in the light of research showing that diesel particulates are the most dangerous pollutants where human health is concerned.
– The debate about affordable housing needs to be much clearer about the relative importance of rental against owner occupation.
– The plan needs to reflect the increased forecasts for numbers of students and have a clearer view about how these increased numbers will be accommodated.
– The need to acknowledge the fact that the growth in knowledge-based digital industries which has become central to the economic success of the region is fundamentally dependent on the quality of life that the region creates for residents.
Event management and public consultation prior to events need to be improved.
We have been lobbying our MP about the obvious weaknesses in licencing law particularly those highlight by the sorry history of OPA.
The policing of the city centre in the light of police reforms is something we are continually monitoring. We are also campaigning to get better police consultation and crime reporting procedures.