We would like to wish all our members and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2017 and thank you for your support in 2016 which has allowed us to:
- Fight for better provision for city residents’ parking
- Support people whose lives are blighted by party houses and licenced premises
- Fight to get measures to reduce pollution in the city centre in the short term
- Fight to get unauthorised trade waste dumps removed
- Fight to get better resources and policies to reduce anti-social behaviour
- Support people whose quality of life is being affected by building works
- Fight for better management of major development projects in the city
- Support people fighting to oppose planning proposals which will damage their quality of life
- Monitor plans and proposals that will impact residents
- Work with agencies to get better resources and policies to reduce the problem of begging and street drinking
- Counter the arguments of organisation who want their interests placed above those of residents
- Make representations to national politicians to get legal changes
- Respond to local consultations to ensure city centre residents voices are heard when policy is made
- Have routine meetings with senior politicians and senior officers to share city centre residents’ concerns
- Stop members being unfairly evicted