Notes on CCTV

A note prepared as preparation for our attendance at a meeting of key agencies and stakeholders to discuss the state of CCTV in the city.

What we want:

·         A clear method for proposing and getting approval for new CCTV cameras or indeed getting existing cameras moved

Why we want it:

·         The rise of anti-social behaviour and drug dealing on the periphery of the existing network

·         The cut backs in police numbers which mean that police activity is increasingly report driven

·         The poor quality of other reporting systems

·         To combat fear of crime

The financing issues:

·         BANES commercialisation programme is not delivering investment where it is needed or as quickly as it is needed

·         The police contribute little or nothing

·         Residents and businesses will not fundraise or sponsor without:

o   Getting a say in how the network is managed

o   Getting a convincing explanation about why the police don’t contribute

o   Without public bodies taking responsibility for ongoing costs

The PCC statement on CCTV financing:

·         Appears to suggest that the police regard CCTV as a “nice to have” while officers on the ground, and common observation, say it is increasing essential.

·         It does not explain how she is planning to address residents’ concerns without CCTV

Other issues:

·         Links to other networks and, in particular, Network Rail

·         Lack of control over quality of premises installations

What we want from the meeting:

·         Agreement to carry on the discussion about these issues and escalate them to involve the PCC directly – Ben Howlett has offered his commitment

·         A clear commitment to address our concerns