Bladud Buildings was laid out by Attwood and Jolly in the 1750s and gradually assumed its present role as a mixed residential and commercial terrace during the nineteenth century. When residential and commercial uses are established, permitted or encouraged in a terraced structure in a predominantly residential area it is vital that commercial premises do not, as a result of accumulated planning consents, gradually undermine the amenity of people living in the area.
The applicant in this case seeks to convert the use of the premises from night club (sui generis) to pub (A4). Among the works proposed is the provision of a partially roofed outside drinking area at the rear of the property in what is presently the ‘garden’. Due to noise nuisance from high volumes of traffic on the Paragon many Bladud Buildings residents have their bedrooms at the rear of the property. In addition, the main Bath YMCA building is a short distance to the south west. Finally, numbers 45 and 47 Walcot Street, which incorporate existing and proposed residential accommodation on upper floors, occupy a position immediately to the south of the premises. This is therefor a highly noise sensitive location particularly at night and the introduction of an open drinking area in a raised position at the rear of 7 Bladud Buildings is likely to have a severely adverse impact on the amenity of local residents contrary to Policy D6 of the council’s Adopted Placemaking Plan.
We therefor ask that the application be REFUSED. If, however, the council is minded to grant consent we ask that conditions be attached that would
- Provide for the clearance of patrons from open drinking areas at the rear of the property by 10.00 pm nightly.
- Prevent the provision of musical performances, whether live or recorded, in open drinking areas at the rea of the property.
- Require details to be provided to and approved by the Local Planning Authority of design and construction of the fence at the south boundary of the property to ensure the preservation of daylight available to residents whose property adjoins the boundary.