Objection to licencing application by Darcy’s in Gay Street

These premises are, as we understand it, within the cumulative impact zone

George Street is a focus late night drinking and regularly feature high on the police lists of reported crime and disorder.
Many agencies and organisations, including local licensees, have worked hard and with some success to improve the management of the night time economy.
Licensees in this area struggle with two problems which we would contend would be made worse if this application was granted.
The first of these is the problem of preloading. This is where late night revellers consume the cheaper alcohol available from off-licences immediately prior to visiting George Street clubs and bars.
The second of these is the problem of customers smuggling alcohol purchased from off-licences into licenced premises.
This premises a located only some 20 metres from George Street and within less than minute walking distance of one of the largest of the licensed premises in that street.
An off-licence in this location operating until 10pm will, we contend, inevitably lead to more drunkenness and undermine the licencing objectives.
We, therefore, are requesting the licencing committee restrict the opening hours to 6pm when they are much less likely to impact late night drinking on George Street,