Porter Application for Tables and Chairs on the Highway

The basis of our objection is both the risk of public nuisance and the risk to public safety.
Our objections are as follow:
Proposed hours:
The premises are located very close to a number of noise sensitive residential premises and the applicant has a poor track record on clearing tables and chairs away by the time designated in their license. We would therefore suggest an end time of 22:00.
Tables on George Street:
The usable pavement in front of these premises on George Street is extremely narrow and subject to high levels of pedestrian traffic both during the day, at night and into the early hours of the morning. The two large A board which the premises currently put in this area, we believe in breach of the council A-board policy, already cause problems at times of peak use. Tables and chairs would cause considerably more problems particularly for wheel chair and mobility scooter users.
Basement Planters:
It is a matter of considerable concern to us that these premises have decided to use the basement door a principal entry and exit point. We have observed large groups of often inebriated and distracted customers using this entrance and crowding on to the tiny area of pavement between it and the stairs from the upper pavement and the waste bins which the neighbouring premises store on the lower pavement. Crowd jostling and ill consider decisions to cross George Street often causes people to step off this small pavement area and into the road. This road is one of the major routes through Bath and is often used by emergency service vehicles travelling at high speed, traffic is often accelerating away from the blind bend junction with Gay Street and the stairs obstruct their view of people on the small area of pavement. We therefore view the suggestion that this small area should be further reduced by the addition of quite unnecessary planters as a significant issue of public safety.

In addition to the above we are advised by the Highway Authority that the lower pavement is subject section S142 of the Highways Act which makes them the licencing authority for the planting of shrubs and trees.