For over 20 years, TARA has been actively engaged with many issues that effect the quality of life of residents in the city centre, ranging from individual planning applications to more general issues such as traffic and air pollution, the night-time economy and the poor state of the public realm.
Several of these remain active issues and so TARA maintains a News Archive of past responses to these.
During 2024, TARA is primarily focussed on the following:
We will actively represent the views of TARA members to the local council on:
- Implementation of the City Centre Security Zone.
- Proposals for the Milsom Quarter.
- Proposals for the Abbey Quarter.
- The new Local Area Plan.
together with any other specific issues/concerns raised by individual members from time to time, including:
- planning or licensing applications that might adversely effect a member’s quality of life in the city;
- the impact of major city-centre events such as the Christmas Market and Film Productions.
Amongst the many on-going general concerns, during 2024 TARA will particularly focus on the problems caused by trade waste and on reviving efforts to reduce the nesting gull population in the city centre. We will also engage with the council on its general strategy such as the new Local Plan and its “Journey to Net Zero”, particularly through our membership of the Federation of Bath Residents Associations (FoBRA).
TARA Events
We began a series of complimentary “TARA Talks” for members during the autumn of 2023 and these continue through 2024. Recent and planned talks include:
- September 15th, 2023 at the Clore Learning Centre:
- A talk was given by Robert Campbell, the council’s Head of Heritage Services. This covered plans for the Roman Baths, the Victoria Art Gallery, the Records Office and an update on the proposed Fashion Museum in the Milsom Quarter. Members also enjoyed a tour of the most recent excavations under York Street and into the Roman Baths.
- October 16th, 2023 at St Michael’s Without:
- An informative presentation was given by Wendy Maden, Principal Urban Designer B&NES Council Regeneration Team and her colleague Georgi Tyler on a number of City Centre regeneration projects.
- January 22nd, 2024 at Bath Abbey Discovery Centre:
- Frank Mowat and Nathan Ward provided TARA members with an update on the Abbey’s successful “Footprint Project” and their future plans for restoration works at the.
- April 11th, 2024 at the Chapel of St Michael’s Within – including the association’s Annual General Meeting and a presentation by David Hobdey and Carole Laverick entitled St John’s Foundation – Past, Present and Future.
To keep updated by email on forthcoming Projects and Events, please subscribe to our Newsletter below:
The TARA Newsletter
TARA aims to keep its members up to date via an emailed newsletter
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