In a further review of documents which, as we understand it, are likely to be approved should this application be granted planning consent we have noted a reference in the Design and Access Statement (Page 13, Use of the Colonnade) to the possibility that the public would have no right of access to the south colonnade even when Parade Gardens is open to the public.  We recognise that there are legal constraints but given that the council is landowner, developer and planning authority in this case, considering also the substantial expenditure of public funds on the development and the expressed desire to open up historic riverside routes to public use we can confirm that this effective privatization of a part of the Colonnades would, if implemented,  be unacceptable to our members and we believe that the wider public would be likely to share this view.

We therefor ask that should the council be minded to grant consent for this proposal a condition be imposed providing that no development can take place until the applicant has submitted a statement to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority detailing who would have right of access to pedestrian routes throughout the development, at what times and under what circumstances.  This would provide an opportunity for much needed public debate of the issue.