These premises have applied to extend the use of their garden from 22:00 to 1:00.
The premises are very close to a number of noise and nuisance sensitive residential premises in addition noise from the garden here is audible, because over a wide area including properties in George Street, Miles Buildings and St Andrew’s Terrace. At least one of the buildings close to their garden, to our knowledge, is home to a school age child
It is important to note that noise from these gardens is audible at the back of buildings in George Street and Miles Buildings and most people sleep in the back.
Outside areas of licenced premises are almost always by their very nature a noise nuisance. in Bath city centre this has always be acknowledge by the licencing authority and socially responsible licensees. As a consequence all other outside drinking areas close well before midnight.
Granting this application will create public nuisance over a wide area and impact the lives of adults and children living in neighbouring premises to a wholly unacceptable degree.