We were very pleased to see the excellent work that Environmental Protection done in gathering detailed evidence about the nuisance associated with these premises. Broad Street has a long history of noise and disorder associated with crowds moving down form the clubs and bars in George Street. The Bodrum Takeaway adds to this by:
-attracting drinkers to walk through the increasingly residential Broad Street in preference to other less residential routes
– encouraging crowds to gather and loiter near residential units
– encouraging crowds to loiter on relatively narrow pavements on a street which is a well-used route for cars leaving the city
We do not as an association have the resources to undertake the sort of evidence gathering that Environmental protection have done but we are in receipt of regular expressions of concern by residents. As part of a regular programme of city centre reviews we did visit the area just after 12:30 am on the 14th March and 1:00 am on the 20th March.
On the 14th there were approximately 6 people sitting and standing on and around the barrier outside these premises eating food and making considerable noise until two PC arrived to talk to them
On the 20th we saw a man putting a ground sheet in the doorway of the premises next to Bodrum were he sat and fed his takeaway purchase to his dog. While we continued to watch a party of 20 to 25 revellers came down the street, both in the road and on the pavement, from George Street shouting loudly. The entire party then packed, or at least tried to, into the Bodrum Takeaway.
We entirely support Environmental Protection’s call for the hours of these premises to be restricted. Indeed we would ask the licencing committee to consider whether in the light of their evidence their recommendations on closing times go far enough