TARA supports in principle schemes to reduce pollution in the city centre. However the consultation on this particular proposal seems lacking in real information on which to base a judgement.
Most of our members will want to assess the impact of this plan on traffic congestion and air quality elsewhere in the city centre. We understand that BANES conducted a traffic survey aimed at assessing this and presumably undertook modelling based on the information collected. However, none of this information has been supplied to residents.
We understand a key feature of the plan as originally discussed with Circus Area Residents was changing the phasing of the three sets of traffic lights in George Street. This seems to have been dropped from this plan without any explanation.
Finally the questionnaire sent out failed to ask residents or. as far as we are aware, businesses any questions about the likely impact on them of the proposed loading restrictions.
We think this consultation exercise should be redone with proper information and an explanation of the decision making process.