The Cowshed licensing application

These premises, which are subject to the council’s cumulative impact policy provisions, are very close to a number of residential properties.
All these peoples’ homes are subject to listed building regulations and, therefore, have great difficulty insulating themselves from external noise and this also imposes limits their ability to secure their home from other forms of intrusion.
The front of these peoples’ homes is already subject to a great deal of drink-fuelled noise and anti-social behaviour from surrounding licenced premises and their customers.
This proposal if approved would add additional drink fueled disturbance at the rear of these premises and further reduce residents’ quality of life. The numbers proposed are very large.
We would add at this point that noise pollution is not just a matter of not having your sleep disturbed but the quiet enjoyment of you home at all times.
We would ask the committee to refuse this application.
If however, the committee is minded to grant we would ask:
1, That the numbers involved be reduced substantially we would suggest by 50%
2. That the committee mandate the use of sound absorbing parasols, such as are in use elsewhere in the city centre, of a specification agreed with environmental protection.
3. That a member of staff should be on duty outside at all times after 5pm