Grove Street a substantially residential street and residents often have occasion to complain about noise and nuisance caused by the customers leaving the several drinking establishments and the night club that already operate close to the end of the street.
This application would represent a substantial change in the nature of these premises.
Currently these premises are operated as a restaurant where the emphasis is primarily on the quiet enjoyment of food and where alcohol is only consumed as an accompaniment to the food. This license if granted would potentially create premises where the focus was on drinking and music based entertainment. Karaoke rarely creates a quite atmosphere and we note the applicants even at this stage are anticipating these premises becoming a party venue. All this will be further aggravated by operating longer hours and having people drinking in the open air.
These premises are located in an area which is supposed to be subject to the Cumulative Impact Policy; if this application is granted residents will be moved question what the purpose of this policy is.
Should, despite this, the licensing authority be minded to grant this application we would submit that the conditions proposed by the applicant are inadequate to control the nuisance which experience tells us will result.
We would suggest they consider, in addition, the following:
Closing times of two am in this area at any time would be wholly inappropriate
Outside areas and drinking alcohol particularly outside the context of a substantial meal have proven to be an almost inevitable source of nuisance and no premises in the centre of city that we are aware of are allowed to have drinking outside beyond 11pm at the latest.
Noise leakage from doors and windows are a frequent cause of nuisance were premises are playing loud music and most premises are required to keep all doors and windows closed after 11pm.
Any music amplification equipment should be fitted with noise limiters set to a level selected by the licensing authority.
We note the applicants anticipate significant queuing outside these premises. People queuing to go into drinking establishments and congregating outside when they leave are known sources of litter and many premises therefore have conditions set requiring them to regularly clear up litter, vomit etc. from outside their premises.
No one should be allowed come out of the premises onto the street with alcoholic drinks.