The Ivy Licencing Aplication

We object to this application on the grounds that we believe it will add to public nuisance and crime and disorder in the city centre.
Firstly we note that these new premises fall within the area covered by the Cumulative Impact Policy and are within a short walk of two pubs, a wine bar and a nightclub.
The proposal that alcohol be served up to 4am is a cause of great concern because almost without exception premises which trade beyond 1 am are a focus of complaints about public nuisance and disorder. This is partly because of the type of drinker attracted by very late night drinking, partly because of the relative lack of police, other enforcement agency and public protection personnel on the streets at these hours and partly because these are hours when residents and hotel guest are particularly sensitive to noise and disturbance.
We note that the applicant makes no reference to a dispersal policy in their proposed conditions.

We have drawn the licencing committee’s attention to the fact that most premises proposing to trade this late have conditions requiring them to maintain CCTV equipment